New Paper Published


A new paper has beem published on Chemistry of Materials Chemical Switching of Ferroaxial and Nonferroaxial Structures Based on Second-Order Jahn–Teller Activity in (Na,K)2Hf(BO3)2Takayuki Nagai,and Tsuyoshi KimuraChem. Mater. 35, 4109-4115 (2023). Go to article page

New Paper Published


A new paper has been published on Journal of the American Chemical Society. Chemical Aspect of Displacive-Type Ferroaxial Phase Transition from Perspective of Second-Order Jahn–Teller Effect: NASICON Systems as an ExampleTakayuki Nagai, Yasuhide Mochizuki, Suguru Yoshida, and Tsuyoshi KimuraJ. Am. Chem. Soc. xx, xxx-xxx (2023). Go to article page

Notification of labratory movement


From April 2023, Kimura Laboratory will move from Kashiwa Campus to Hongo Campus. Please note that contact details and other information have changed. Those who wish to work in our group in the master’s and doctoral programmes will be required to apply to Department of Applied Physics, School of Engineering . Doctoral students will also be accepted from the Department of Materials Science, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences.

New Paper Published


A new paper has been published on Chemistry of Materials. Ferroaxial Transitions in Glaserite-type Compounds: Database Screening, Phonon Calculations, and Experimental VerificationShigetada Yamagishi, Takeshi Hayashida, Ryusuke Misawa, Kenta Kimura, Masato Hagihala, Tomoki Murata, Sakyo Hirose, and Tsuyoshi KimuraChem. Matter. 35, 747-754 (2023). Go to article page

New Paper Published


A new paper has been published on npj Quantum Materials. Three-dimensional imaging of ferroaxial domains using circularly polarized second harmonic generation microscopyH. Yokota, T, Hayashida, D. Kitahara, and T.Kimuranpj Quantum Materials 106, 104401 (2022). Go to article page

New Paper Published


A new papar has been published on Physical Review Research . Observation of antiferromagnetic domains in Cr2O3 using nonreciprocal optical effectsT. Hayashida, K. Arakawa, T. Oshima, K. Kimura, T. KimuraPhys. Rev. Research 4, 043063 (2022). Go to article page

New Paper Published


A new paper has been published on Physical Review B. Magnetic domains in two distinct antiferromagnetic phases of CuOR. Misawa, K. Arakawa, H. Ueda, H. Nakajima, S. Mori, Y. Tanaka, and T. KimuraPhys. Rev. B 106, 104401 (2022). Go to article page

New Paper Published


A new paper has been published on Advanced Electronic Materials. Chirality-Dependent Magnetoelectric Responses in a Magnetic-Field-Induced Ferroelectric Phase of Pb(TiO)Cu4(PO4)4Kenta Kimura,Tsukasa Katsuyoshi, Atsushi Miyake, Masashi Tokunaga, Shojiro Kimura, and Tsuyoshi KimuraAdv. Electron. Mater., 2200167 (2022). Go to article page

New Paper Published


A new paper has been published on The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. Switching Crystallographic Chirality in Ba(TiO)Cu4(PO4)4 by Laser IrradiationT. Hayashida, K. Kimura, and T. KimuraJ. Phys. Chem. Lett. 13, 3857–3862 (2022). Go to article page

New Paper Published


A new paper has been published on Nature Communications Visualizing rotation and reversal of the Néel vector through antiferromagnetic trichroismK. Kimura, Y. Otake, and T. KimuraNat. Commun. 13, 697 (2022).